Reward system credits & LinkedIn
Hi there!
REWARDS. You know, stimulators of people’s mind that push us to do things. Yes, there are still moments in which we do things without expecting anything in return. However, we love being compensated for our actions, that always take time.
TIME. One of the most valuable assets we have is time; we all want to squeeze it to death. And members of this community use part of it to explore the newest life science companies and to help entrepreneurs.
HELP. Helping others intrinsically implies helping oneself. And this is not another youngster expression. I read every single comment you write in the reviews you submit. And I only need one word to confess what I feel: GOOSEBUMPS. The comments are full of valuable content, including recommendations for the entrepreneurs that would never get without the BioExpert Network.
I know. Pilar, stop running your mouth. But guess what, I enjoy talking to you -or rather, monologuing.
Let’s get down to business.
The reward system for the experts started last quarter but till today I didn’t have the exact figures…
Last quarter, 1 CREDIT had a value of 50€.
Credits can only be exchanged for shares in life science companies listed on Capital Cell, have 1 year validity and cannot be exchanged for cash. Some very active experts have made over 1000€ in credit!!
Because at the BioExpert Network, using your time to help others has a reward.
– Review a project now and get 1 extra credit! –
Just two last comments:
- Some experts have asked me whether they can include their position as Expert at the BioExpert Network in their LinkedIn account. Definitely, you are all more than welcome to add it and let people know that you help entrepreneurs develop their business.
- Yesterday, just after sharing 3 different companies with you, the BioExpert Network went down. We are definitely changing our web provider. Nothing to do with WannaCry, at least 😉
Thank you very much for your time,
Pilar Puig Sàrries, PhD
Head Life Science Analyst
Head of the BioExpert Network