Hello everyone,
The tech transfer office of the University College London (UCL) has a clear aim: to inspire a spirit of enterprise across UCL students.
Dr. Katie Oliver and Dr. Liberty Foreman decided to commercialise the work they developed during their PhD at the UCL and co-founded BeamLine.
The BeamLine system is a bedside diagnostic that distinguishes healthy and benign biopsies in high accuracy within seconds.
Click in the image below to see their pitch deck:
Millions of tissue biopsies are collected every year, but the majority (up to 99%) are benign. Their technology will remove the stress of waiting weeks for test results from patients, and will save the NHS millions of pounds a year.
Please, review this proposal and share your opinion with me through the questionnaire.
Best regards,
Pilar Puig Sàrries
PROJECT EVALUATION : BeamLine Diagnostics