Magic Genomix We select Patients Responding to or at Risk for Chemotherapy by Analyzing Genomic Instability (GI) of Their Tumor....
ARJUNA Therapeutics Developing the next generation of cancer medicines. Oncology Prototyping, preclinical Spain 500.000€ Status Approved IP Type Patent Time...
KeyZell Deep Tech Revolutionizing Oncology with Cutting-Edge AI Solutions Oncology Development, market readiness, clinical trial Spain 1.600.000€ Status Pending IP...
Batea Oncology Focusing Residual Disease in Glioblastoma to improve patient outcomes Oncology Prototyping, preclinical Spain 600.000€ Status Pending IP Type...
StromaCare StromaCare pioneers a paradigm shift in cancer treatment by immuno-modulating the tumor stroma Oncology Prototyping, preclinical France 6.000.000€ Status...
Innate Repair Saxony GmbH Killing the unkillable cancer cells Oncology Prototyping, preclinical Germany 750.000€ Status Approved IP Type Patent Time...
Prospera Biotech Innovative neurodermatological solutions to improve quality of life of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy Biotech Sales, licensing phases...
AMADIX Early cancer detection in blood, before the symptoms appear Oncology Development, market readiness, clinical trial España 2.000.000€ IP Type...
SomaNautix For targeted, precision oncology products Oncology Prototyping, preclinical UK 1.000.000£ You can visit their website orUnder evaluation at least...
ABILITY PHARMA Clinical stage autophagy anti-cancer drug Drug discoveryPhase I/IISPAIN5-10 M€This information is confidential, do not share or copy.Under...