User Stats

Total reviews: 2
Level: Guru
Member Since: 28/02/2021

Profile Information

First name Rajat
Last name Pandey
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Currently, I am working as an innovation and funding consultant with Nordic innovators PS from their office in Copenhagen, Denmark. In this role, I advice SMEs, mid caps, and research groups on obtaining european and national funding. I am an expert in accelerator, Eurostars, FTI, MCSA ITN, Danish and Norwegian programs. I am also an expert in European investment bank venture debt program and currently helping few select clients on raising venture debt. I am also an expert in EU delivery and funded project management, Continuous and periodic project reporting to european commission.


Rajat Pandey

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Currently, I am working as an innovation and funding consultant with Nordic innovators PS from their office in Copenhagen, Denmark. In this role, I advice SMEs, mid caps, and research groups on obtaining european and national funding. I am an expert in accelerator, Eurostars, FTI, MCSA ITN, Danish and Norwegian programs. I am also an expert in European investment bank venture debt program and currently helping few select clients on raising venture debt. I am also an expert in EU delivery and funded project management, Continuous and periodic project reporting to european commission.
