User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 20/05/2020

Profile Information

First name Estefanía
Last name García Ruiz
Help us confirm that you're an expert

PhD in nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, strongly motivated by research and willing to undertake a career in area related to celiac disease, obesity, and its-related metabolic alterations tasks and food security. Having enthusiasm, creativity, good organizational skills and abilities to work independently as well as in team.

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Estefanía García Ruiz

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Genomics, Personalised medicine, Predictive medicine, genetics, molecular biology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

PhD in nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, strongly motivated by research and willing to undertake a career in area related to celiac disease, obesity, and its-related metabolic alterations tasks and food security. Having enthusiasm, creativity, good organizational skills and abilities to work independently as well as in team.


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