User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 13/05/2018

Profile Information

First name Adil
Last name Ahmed
I have professional experience in:

Fitness, Health tech, Medicine

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am a physician with a doctorate in health informatics, I have interest in the science of healthcare delivery and informatics. My research in these fields involves using clinical data to apply electronic rules that would help healthcare providers to determine the best practices while ensuring patient safety. It also includes creating digital signatures (electronic markers) for healthcare processes, interventions, and critical illness to understand workflow effect on hospitalized patients.


Adil Ahmed

I have professional experience in:

Fitness, Health tech, Medicine

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am a physician with a doctorate in health informatics, I have interest in the science of healthcare delivery and informatics. My research in these fields involves using clinical data to apply electronic rules that would help healthcare providers to determine the best practices while ensuring patient safety. It also includes creating digital signatures (electronic markers) for healthcare processes, interventions, and critical illness to understand workflow effect on hospitalized patients.
