User Stats

Total reviews: 5
Level: Guru
Member Since: 12/05/2018

Profile Information

First name Kelvin
Last name Tsoi
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I’m an academic associate professor, and focus on digital epidemiology. I got my BSc in Statistics and PhD in Public Health over 10 years ago. My working experience covers on public and academic sectors for health related projects/services. Around 4 years ago, I moved my career towards interdisciplinary research on Healthcare Big Data, and worked closely with engineers for health AI projects. Our works cover dementia screening and hypertension management.


Kelvin Tsoi

I have professional experience in:

Startups, Technology transfer, Epidemiology, Digital health, Interdisciplinary Research, Clinical Research Experience, Data Sciences

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’m an academic associate professor, and focus on digital epidemiology. I got my BSc in Statistics and PhD in Public Health over 10 years ago. My working experience covers on public and academic sectors for health related projects/services. Around 4 years ago, I moved my career towards interdisciplinary research on Healthcare Big Data, and worked closely with engineers for health AI projects. Our works cover dementia screening and hypertension management.
