User Stats

Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 23/01/2020

Profile Information

First name Peter
Last name Roberts
I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Diagnostics, Genomics, Immunology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’ve worked in sales, marketing and product management in the life science tools sector. I’ve founded two companies, been CEO of one, own another. Both still active. I’ve consulted in gene engineering services and immunology. 20 years experience in total.

How did you hear about us?

I was invited to connect on LinkedIn from John Bethell


Peter Roberts

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Diagnostics, Genomics, Immunology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’ve worked in sales, marketing and product management in the life science tools sector. I’ve founded two companies, been CEO of one, own another. Both still active. I’ve consulted in gene engineering services and immunology. 20 years experience in total.


How did you hear about us?

I was invited to connect on LinkedIn from John Bethell