User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 14/03/2021

Profile Information

First name Viviane
Last name Goncalves
I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Digital Health, Health tech, Medical Device, Oncology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Since 1995 working on Big Pharmaceutical companies, high-cost / high-complexity drugs and Medical Devices.
Deep knowledge of Brazilian and Latin America Healthcare Market, Payers Envirorment and Non-Governmental Organizations and NGO´s;
Strong knowledge on multi-stakeholder Access Strategy, Reimbursement and Payment Journey (Specialized Collection Pending Purchasing Orders and Invoiced Payments);
Aware of the Brazilian and LA Healthcare laws and regulations ;
Specialized in Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes and submissions;

How did you hear about us?

Colleague Referral


Viviane Goncalves

I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Digital Health, Health tech, Medical Device, Oncology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Since 1995 working on Big Pharmaceutical companies, high-cost / high-complexity drugs and Medical Devices.
Deep knowledge of Brazilian and Latin America Healthcare Market, Payers Envirorment and Non-Governmental Organizations and NGO´s;
Strong knowledge on multi-stakeholder Access Strategy, Reimbursement and Payment Journey (Specialized Collection Pending Purchasing Orders and Invoiced Payments);
Aware of the Brazilian and LA Healthcare laws and regulations ;
Specialized in Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes and submissions;


How did you hear about us?

Colleague Referral