User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 07/03/2017

Profile Information

First name Victor
Last name Gonzalez
Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Business strategy, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Technology advisor in the digital transformation for different companies of all sectors, helping them to better perform getting best ROI.

Innovation lover and passionate about helping others to achieve their goals.

Investor in different projects and StartUp that really can make a change in the world as it is conceived today to help people living a better life in general.

How did you hear about us?

I am one of the first investors in one of the first projects of CapitalCell


Victor Gonzalez

Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Business strategy, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Technology advisor in the digital transformation for different companies of all sectors, helping them to better perform getting best ROI.

Innovation lover and passionate about helping others to achieve their goals.

Investor in different projects and StartUp that really can make a change in the world as it is conceived today to help people living a better life in general.


How did you hear about us?

I am one of the first investors in one of the first projects of CapitalCell