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Total reviews: 23
Level: Guru
Member Since: 18/04/2017

Profile Information

First name Rossella
Last name Zaffino
Last Name


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Physicist, doctor in theoretical physics from the university of calabria, MSc in Biomedical engineering and doctor in nanoscience and nanotechnology from the University of Barcelona.  Currently, I’m working as a post doc researcher in the Institute of Microelectronic of Barcelone. My research activity focuses on the application of nanotechnology fabrication and characterization methods for the development of biomedical applications.  I am fascinate about the possibility of contributing to the development of knowledge and new technologies to improve people life and social health while amusing building the science behind it.


Rossella Zaffino

Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Diagnostics, Medical Device, Nanotechnology, Personalised medicine, Wearables, electro-mechanical medical devices, magnetic nanoparticles, nanoparticles, nanorobotics, Biotechnology, Medical devices

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Physicist, doctor in theoretical physics from the university of calabria, MSc in Biomedical engineering and doctor in nanoscience and nanotechnology from the University of Barcelona.  Currently, I’m working as a post doc researcher in the Institute of Microelectronic of Barcelone. My research activity focuses on the application of nanotechnology fabrication and characterization methods for the development of biomedical applications.  I am fascinate about the possibility of contributing to the development of knowledge and new technologies to improve people life and social health while amusing building the science behind it.
