User Stats

Total reviews: 16
Level: Guru
Member Since: 03/01/2022

Profile Information

First name Agostino
Last name Romeo
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In the last three years, I have been working as Innovation and Technology Transfer Project Manager at research centres in the Biomedical and Biotech fields (Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research first and Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia now). As technology transfer project manager, I steer a portfolio of innovation cross-functional projects each at different development stage. My duties cover a wide portion of the innovation technology cycle and span from scouting and evaluating disruptive ideas with high market potential to designing and implementing strategic valorization plans as well as developing business opportunities in order to ultimately transfer technologies to the market. As for technology transfer strategy, I have been responsible for managing the approval and establishment of 5 spin-offs in the last 18 months (+ corresponding licensing agreements).

Overall, my profile shows a unique mix of scientific, business, legal, strategic, and entrepreneurship competences.

How did you hear about us?

At the web page of Capital Cell


Agostino Romeo

I have professional experience in:

Funding sources, Fundraising, Biotech, Cancer therapeutics, Diagnostics, Drug Delivery, Health tech, Medical Device, Nanotechnology, Personalised medicine, Wearables, Business strategy, IP & Licensing, Startups, Technology transfer

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In the last three years, I have been working as Innovation and Technology Transfer Project Manager at research centres in the Biomedical and Biotech fields (Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research first and Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia now). As technology transfer project manager, I steer a portfolio of innovation cross-functional projects each at different development stage. My duties cover a wide portion of the innovation technology cycle and span from scouting and evaluating disruptive ideas with high market potential to designing and implementing strategic valorization plans as well as developing business opportunities in order to ultimately transfer technologies to the market. As for technology transfer strategy, I have been responsible for managing the approval and establishment of 5 spin-offs in the last 18 months (+ corresponding licensing agreements).

Overall, my profile shows a unique mix of scientific, business, legal, strategic, and entrepreneurship competences.


How did you hear about us?

At the web page of Capital Cell