User Stats

Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 19/05/2022

Profile Information

First name Rakhan
Last name Aimbetov
Last Name

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Therapeutics, Regulatory, Startups

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’m an analyst with Longaevus Technologies, a hub-and-spoke longevity biotechnology company builder based in Cambridge, UK. I hold a Ph.D. in biotechnology, complemented by two postdoctoral fellowships focused on epigenetics, nutrient sensing, and proteostasis. Further, I’m a founder of an R&D project (pre-seed) dedicated to engineering advanced glycation end product (AGE)-degrading enzymes by means of directed evolution for extracellular matrix restoration in the context of age-related pathologies.

Besides my main professional interests, I’m a member of the Longevity Biotechnology Fellowship (LBF), a community for longevity research acceleration; and contribute to several decentralized science (DeSci)/Web3 organizations—VitaDAO, LabDAO, MedDAO, etc.—aimed at funding and supporting applied research through its transition from academia to industry.

How did you hear about us?

Through a colleague who provides expertise to the network.


Rakhan Aimbetov

Last Name

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Therapeutics, Regulatory, Startups

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’m an analyst with Longaevus Technologies, a hub-and-spoke longevity biotechnology company builder based in Cambridge, UK. I hold a Ph.D. in biotechnology, complemented by two postdoctoral fellowships focused on epigenetics, nutrient sensing, and proteostasis. Further, I’m a founder of an R&D project (pre-seed) dedicated to engineering advanced glycation end product (AGE)-degrading enzymes by means of directed evolution for extracellular matrix restoration in the context of age-related pathologies.

Besides my main professional interests, I’m a member of the Longevity Biotechnology Fellowship (LBF), a community for longevity research acceleration; and contribute to several decentralized science (DeSci)/Web3 organizations—VitaDAO, LabDAO, MedDAO, etc.—aimed at funding and supporting applied research through its transition from academia to industry.


How did you hear about us?

Through a colleague who provides expertise to the network.