User Stats

Total reviews: 43
Level: Guru
Member Since: 12/01/2019

Profile Information

First name Petra
Last name Stockinger
I have professional experience in:

Fundraising, Biotech, Digital Health, Genomics, Neurosciences, Wearables, Startups

Help us confirm that you're an expert

A committed scientist with many years of experience working in international research environments.
Expertise in various microscopy techniques, image processing and data analysis to address different
questions in cell and developmental biology. Skilled in molecular and cell biology as well as genetic
techniques, with a strong interest in multi-disciplinary approaches.

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Petra Stockinger

I have professional experience in:

Fundraising, Biotech, Digital Health, Genomics, Neurosciences, Wearables, Startups

Help us confirm that you're an expert

A committed scientist with many years of experience working in international research environments.
Expertise in various microscopy techniques, image processing and data analysis to address different
questions in cell and developmental biology. Skilled in molecular and cell biology as well as genetic
techniques, with a strong interest in multi-disciplinary approaches.


How did you hear about us?
