User Stats

Total reviews: 5
Level: Guru
Member Since: 30/03/2020

Profile Information

First name Pablo
Last name Lozano Sanchez
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Biotechnology professional with many years experience. Strong background on Biosensors and Point-of-Care Diagnostics for food safety and human health. Pathogen detection, DNA detection and immunoassays as main interests.
Made the long journey from academy to industry ticking every box on the way; basic research, project management, product management and head of R&D. Not missed start-up creation, technology transfer, IP management, consultancy, and QA&RA strong interactions.

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Pablo Lozano Sanchez

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Diagnostics, Medical Device, Nanotechnology, Veterinary Health, Business strategy, IP & Licensing, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Biotechnology professional with many years experience. Strong background on Biosensors and Point-of-Care Diagnostics for food safety and human health. Pathogen detection, DNA detection and immunoassays as main interests.
Made the long journey from academy to industry ticking every box on the way; basic research, project management, product management and head of R&D. Not missed start-up creation, technology transfer, IP management, consultancy, and QA&RA strong interactions.


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