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Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 15/06/2022

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First name NÚRIA
Last name CANELA
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Nuria Canela PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Barcelona (2002). She has a long experience both in the framework of academic and industrial research and has also been part of Technological Platforms dedicated to the Omic Sciences (Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics). She is currently the Director of the Omic Sciences Unit at Eurecat and also manages the Centre for Omics Sciences that is part of the Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (ICTS) Omicstech, where multi-omics approaches are applied to the study of simple biological systems such as cell cultures and liquid biopsies, and even more complex such gut microbiota, in order to find new biomarkers with high impact on the prognosis, diagnosis and evaluation of several pathologies. She is co-author of 56 papers and 2 book chapters, and has been participating in numerous national and European projects, like GLOMICAVE-H2020 focused on global multiomics data analysis integration (co-PI), ALTERNATIVE-H2020 that aims to develop an innovative platform able to detect the cardiotoxicity of chemicals and their bio- transformation products, and the METROFOOD-RI infrastructure for promoting metrology in food and nutrition for the enhancement of food quality and safety. Finally, she is currently supervising two Ph.D students, and is ESR co-supervisor in an ITN-Marie Curie project.



I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Cancer therapeutics, Drug Discovery, Genomics, Personalised medicine, Predictive medicine, biochemistry, molecular biology, other

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Nuria Canela PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Barcelona (2002). She has a long experience both in the framework of academic and industrial research and has also been part of Technological Platforms dedicated to the Omic Sciences (Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics). She is currently the Director of the Omic Sciences Unit at Eurecat and also manages the Centre for Omics Sciences that is part of the Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (ICTS) Omicstech, where multi-omics approaches are applied to the study of simple biological systems such as cell cultures and liquid biopsies, and even more complex such gut microbiota, in order to find new biomarkers with high impact on the prognosis, diagnosis and evaluation of several pathologies. She is co-author of 56 papers and 2 book chapters, and has been participating in numerous national and European projects, like GLOMICAVE-H2020 focused on global multiomics data analysis integration (co-PI), ALTERNATIVE-H2020 that aims to develop an innovative platform able to detect the cardiotoxicity of chemicals and their bio- transformation products, and the METROFOOD-RI infrastructure for promoting metrology in food and nutrition for the enhancement of food quality and safety. Finally, she is currently supervising two Ph.D students, and is ESR co-supervisor in an ITN-Marie Curie project.
