
guillem serra autonell

I have professional experience in:

Business angel, Venture capital, Digital Health, Health tech, Medical Device, Medicine, Wearables

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Founder of MeetingDoctors. Founder and CEO of MediQuo. Investor and board member of multiple startups: Singularu, Cuidum, Helloumi, Fotawa, Demium, Homyspace, Hannun, Agile Taiga, Swipcar, Catevering, Dental Residency, Brickbro, Ursulitas and iAmarre.

Physician and mathematician with an MBA, IESE Business School. Deep knowledge in the eHealth market, MedTech and startups in the field of medicine. Technical knowledge in the areas of data-mining, signal processing, artificial intelligence and product development.


How did you hear about us?

I've met with Daniel Oliver