User Stats

Total reviews: 15
Level: Guru
Member Since: 24/10/2023

Profile Information

First name Nandini
Last name Prabhakar
Last Name


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I have over a decade of experience in academia and industry in fields spanning pre- clinical trials, cancer biology, animal models of cancer, bioprocessing technology and process development for therapeutic molecules.
Recently, I have acquired expertise in cultivated meat technology as I headed operations for the first cultivated meat facility in Singapore.

How did you hear about us?

I heard about bioexpertnetwork through my connections in the Biotech industry.


Nandini Prabhakar

Last Name


Help us confirm that you're an expert

I have over a decade of experience in academia and industry in fields spanning pre- clinical trials, cancer biology, animal models of cancer, bioprocessing technology and process development for therapeutic molecules.
Recently, I have acquired expertise in cultivated meat technology as I headed operations for the first cultivated meat facility in Singapore.


How did you hear about us?

I heard about bioexpertnetwork through my connections in the Biotech industry.