User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 19/09/2023

Profile Information

First name Maia
Last name Nahmod
Last Name


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Clinical Psychologist, PsyD, specialized in Health Informatics & Digital Health. Passionate about bridging research, clinical expertise and industry promote health, mental health, and wellness. Proficient in project management and product development, healthcare Data Analysis, extensive experience in clinical psychology and research, specializing in severe mental illnesses

Currently working as Chief Product Officer at a digital mental health startup, focused on employee mental health and emotional well-being part of the Barcelona Health Hub Ecosystem

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Maia Nahmod

Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Digital Health, Health tech, Therapeutics, EMR / EHR, medical big data and analytics, mobile fitness / health apps, online health communities, other, population health management, other

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Clinical Psychologist, PsyD, specialized in Health Informatics & Digital Health. Passionate about bridging research, clinical expertise and industry promote health, mental health, and wellness. Proficient in project management and product development, healthcare Data Analysis, extensive experience in clinical psychology and research, specializing in severe mental illnesses

Currently working as Chief Product Officer at a digital mental health startup, focused on employee mental health and emotional well-being part of the Barcelona Health Hub Ecosystem


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