User Stats

Total reviews: 7
Level: Guru
Member Since: 25/08/2017

Profile Information

First name Miguel
Last name Ángel
Last Name

Muñoz Serrano

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I have been working as R&D Technician at a Chemical and Biotechnological company for more than 3 years. Nowadays I work as R&D Consultant, at F-Iniciativas, helping agrochemical, biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies geting public fundings and financial benefits.


Miguel Ángel

Last Name

Muñoz Serrano

I have professional experience in:

Agritech, Biotechnology, Food tech, Funding sources, Intellectual property, Pharmaceuticals

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I have been working as R&D Technician at a Chemical and Biotechnological company for more than 3 years. Nowadays I work as R&D Consultant, at F-Iniciativas, helping agrochemical, biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies geting public fundings and financial benefits.
