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Total reviews: 4
Level: Guru
Member Since: 08/08/2017

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First name Miguel
Last name Morales
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The main topic of my research was the study of synaptic plasticity, either structural or functional. During my thesis and postdoctoral I have mastered electrophysiology techniques. Later on, and after start my own laboratory I have successfully employed membrane permeable peptides to target in vivo structures such are the trabecular meshwork network (rabbit and cow eyes), mouse tumour cells or even brain structures. Employing these techniques I have demonstrated the role of actin cytoskeleton and its regulation by PI3K as a powerful regulator of intraocular pressure and therefore as putative drugs for glaucoma treatment. Three patents were filled describing this approach. During the last five years I made a significant contribution to the characterization of a PI3K-Akt-dependent signalling pathway controlling synapse formation. In doing so I have generated several membrane permeable peptides with the ability to activate PI3K. Based on the peptide structure and after an in silico screening, my colleagues and I have identified several putative PI3K activators. To develop this project I have followed a multidisciplinary approach, employing electrophysiology, confocal time-lapse microscopy, cellular biology techniques and behavioural experiments to analyze the PI3K downstream elements and the physiological consequences of PI3K activation in mammalian brains. In summary I have followed a dual approach combining a basic neuroscience with a practical approach to develop therapies to treat neurodegenerative diseases.  I have five patents and I have participated in two spin-off projects and currently I am CEO and administrator of my own company Gemini Solutions which the aim to commercialized a proprietary patent of a new glass protective cover ( eyfold)

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Miguel Morales

Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Fundraising, Neurosciences, Wearables, Startups, Technology transfer, Biotechnology, Drug delivery, Entrepreneurship, Neurophysiology, Neurodegenerative diseases

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The main topic of my research was the study of synaptic plasticity, either structural or functional. During my thesis and postdoctoral I have mastered electrophysiology techniques. Later on, and after start my own laboratory I have successfully employed membrane permeable peptides to target in vivo structures such are the trabecular meshwork network (rabbit and cow eyes), mouse tumour cells or even brain structures. Employing these techniques I have demonstrated the role of actin cytoskeleton and its regulation by PI3K as a powerful regulator of intraocular pressure and therefore as putative drugs for glaucoma treatment. Three patents were filled describing this approach. During the last five years I made a significant contribution to the characterization of a PI3K-Akt-dependent signalling pathway controlling synapse formation. In doing so I have generated several membrane permeable peptides with the ability to activate PI3K. Based on the peptide structure and after an in silico screening, my colleagues and I have identified several putative PI3K activators. To develop this project I have followed a multidisciplinary approach, employing electrophysiology, confocal time-lapse microscopy, cellular biology techniques and behavioural experiments to analyze the PI3K downstream elements and the physiological consequences of PI3K activation in mammalian brains. In summary I have followed a dual approach combining a basic neuroscience with a practical approach to develop therapies to treat neurodegenerative diseases.  I have five patents and I have participated in two spin-off projects and currently I am CEO and administrator of my own company Gemini Solutions which the aim to commercialized a proprietary patent of a new glass protective cover ( eyfold)


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