User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 11/05/2020

Profile Information

First name Mark
Last name Brown
I have professional experience in:

Diagnostics, Genomics

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Developer of point-of-care and field-based sample preparation and nucleic acid extraction technologies that are compatible with downstream PCR, NGS, and long-read sequencing applications. My research includes rapid detection of vector-borne pathogens, isolation of nucleic acid from clinical samples for metagenomic analyses, and improving techniques to isolate and detect large structural variants in DNA isolated from tumor tissues and blood.

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Mark Brown

I have professional experience in:

Diagnostics, Genomics

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Developer of point-of-care and field-based sample preparation and nucleic acid extraction technologies that are compatible with downstream PCR, NGS, and long-read sequencing applications. My research includes rapid detection of vector-borne pathogens, isolation of nucleic acid from clinical samples for metagenomic analyses, and improving techniques to isolate and detect large structural variants in DNA isolated from tumor tissues and blood.


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