User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 09/09/2020

Profile Information

First name Martin
Last name Valdearcos
I have professional experience in:

Immunology, Neurosciences

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I am Assistant Professor at the University of California San Francisco since 2018. My career goal is to become an established investigator in the emerging field of neuro-immune interactions underlying obesity, and in particular how immunological and metabolic responses affect homeostasis and disease pathogenesis. I have a particular interest in understanding how CNS myeloid cells sense metabolic factors and interact with hypothalamic neurons to control energy and glucose homeostasis. This highly interdisciplinary research will integrate several areas including hypothalamic neurophysiology, innate immunity and host-microbiota interactions.


Martin Valdearcos

I have professional experience in:

Immunology, Neurosciences

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am Assistant Professor at the University of California San Francisco since 2018. My career goal is to become an established investigator in the emerging field of neuro-immune interactions underlying obesity, and in particular how immunological and metabolic responses affect homeostasis and disease pathogenesis. I have a particular interest in understanding how CNS myeloid cells sense metabolic factors and interact with hypothalamic neurons to control energy and glucose homeostasis. This highly interdisciplinary research will integrate several areas including hypothalamic neurophysiology, innate immunity and host-microbiota interactions.
