User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 30/01/2024

Profile Information

First name Luisa
Last name Martinez
Last Name

Martinez Gonzalez

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Highly motivated, qualified, dedicated, and driven professional with over 25 years of experience and degree in pharmacology with extensive experience in sales and marketing, product launches, and digital campaigns.
I have worked in the marketing area of a multinational pharmaceutical company, mainly in the Women’s Health and in Cardiovascular market.
Some of my responsibilities as Group Product Manager:
• Defined and executed the marketing plan for products under my direction and supervision.
• Responsible for all tasks within the marketing area for the product line including business cases, launches, development, pricing, and all promotional materials.
• Collected, analyzed, and provided insights on the market environment, competitors and business evolution.
• Detailed inter-departmental coordination with Medical, Market Access, Market Research, Business Intelligence. Co-ordination of cross-functional teams.
• Coordinated with the sales force.
• Designed and executed events such as round tables with Opinion Leaders, Scientific Societies, congresses, and workshops.
• Developed and implemented multichannel campaigns.

How did you hear about us?

A person who collaborates with us.


Luisa Martinez

Last Name

Martinez Gonzalez

I have professional experience in:

Digital Health, Medical Device, Medicine, Personalised medicine, Therapeutics

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Highly motivated, qualified, dedicated, and driven professional with over 25 years of experience and degree in pharmacology with extensive experience in sales and marketing, product launches, and digital campaigns.
I have worked in the marketing area of a multinational pharmaceutical company, mainly in the Women’s Health and in Cardiovascular market.
Some of my responsibilities as Group Product Manager:
• Defined and executed the marketing plan for products under my direction and supervision.
• Responsible for all tasks within the marketing area for the product line including business cases, launches, development, pricing, and all promotional materials.
• Collected, analyzed, and provided insights on the market environment, competitors and business evolution.
• Detailed inter-departmental coordination with Medical, Market Access, Market Research, Business Intelligence. Co-ordination of cross-functional teams.
• Coordinated with the sales force.
• Designed and executed events such as round tables with Opinion Leaders, Scientific Societies, congresses, and workshops.
• Developed and implemented multichannel campaigns.


How did you hear about us?

A person who collaborates with us.