User Stats

Total reviews: 2
Level: Guru
Member Since: 04/12/2018

Profile Information

First name Luciano
Last name Sappia
I have professional experience in:

Agritech, Biotech, Diagnostics, Drug Delivery, Medical Device, Nanotechnology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I have more than 6 years of experience in research related to the development of electrochemical biosensing platforms. In my Ph.D. project, I developed an electrochemical assay to monitor alkaline phosphatase levels in blood, saliva and bone cell cultures. This biomarker is commonly used to monitor bone and liver diseases in clinical chemistry. My competencies acquired during this period included nanotechnology, electrochemical sensors and biosensors for clinical and food safety applications, surface functionalization and material characterization. Previously, I obtained a grade in biomedical engineering with proven experience in medical devices and practical training in public health institutions.
Currently, I am finishing a postdoctoral research project, developing “metal-free” bio/sensing platforms with special attention to surface functionalization and glycoproteins recognition.

How did you hear about us?

Dr. Nigel Ten Fleming introduced myself to Capital Cell.


Luciano Sappia

I have professional experience in:

Agritech, Biotech, Diagnostics, Drug Delivery, Medical Device, Nanotechnology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I have more than 6 years of experience in research related to the development of electrochemical biosensing platforms. In my Ph.D. project, I developed an electrochemical assay to monitor alkaline phosphatase levels in blood, saliva and bone cell cultures. This biomarker is commonly used to monitor bone and liver diseases in clinical chemistry. My competencies acquired during this period included nanotechnology, electrochemical sensors and biosensors for clinical and food safety applications, surface functionalization and material characterization. Previously, I obtained a grade in biomedical engineering with proven experience in medical devices and practical training in public health institutions.
Currently, I am finishing a postdoctoral research project, developing “metal-free” bio/sensing platforms with special attention to surface functionalization and glycoproteins recognition.


How did you hear about us?

Dr. Nigel Ten Fleming introduced myself to Capital Cell.