User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 21/06/2018

Profile Information

First name Carlos
Last name Lorenzi
Help us confirm that you're an expert

Orphan drugs / rare diseases expert pharmacist with additional education in management (Cornell University) and marketing. Extensive senior experience leading the launch of orphan drugs, both international and at country level. Multilingual (English, Spanish, Italian) team leader with excellent commercial, marketing and negotiation skills, used to interact with health care professionals (in specialties like hematology, nephrology, metabolic disorders and rheumatology among others) and authorities, including individual pre-P&R approvals and dossier submissions. Creative, persistent and result oriented. Created my own consulting company in 2017.


Carlos Lorenzi

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Clinical trials, Genomics, Health tech, Medicine, Therapeutics, Business strategy, Market access, other

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Orphan drugs / rare diseases expert pharmacist with additional education in management (Cornell University) and marketing. Extensive senior experience leading the launch of orphan drugs, both international and at country level. Multilingual (English, Spanish, Italian) team leader with excellent commercial, marketing and negotiation skills, used to interact with health care professionals (in specialties like hematology, nephrology, metabolic disorders and rheumatology among others) and authorities, including individual pre-P&R approvals and dossier submissions. Creative, persistent and result oriented. Created my own consulting company in 2017.
