
Juan Carlos Agreda

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Drug Discovery

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Founder, President, CEO and member of the Board of Directors of SJT Molecular Research.

Throughout his career as a researcher, Juan Carlos has developed several phytotherapeutic and phyto-cosmetic products, marketed in one of the world biggest department stores “El Corte Inglés” throughout Spain. In 1996, he also sold a group of therapeutic phyto formulations to the German multinational Merck Farma y Química S.A.
Juan Carlos Agreda holds a Degree in Agronomic Engeneering from Cordoba University (UCO) He began an academic career as head of the Biology Laboratory at the Universidad Laboral de Sevilla and as Professor of Biology and Phytochemistry at the same University (today known as Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO))

He futher studied also Management and Marketing in Gijón, Spain.

Prior to founding SJT Molecular Research Juan Carlos has served in relevant management positions in different companies.

SJT Molecular Research SL is the result of the merger of “Jagremart Biotecnología S.L.”, “Functional Products Innovation S.L.”, and “JT Scientific Development S.L.”.


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