User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 11/05/2023

Profile Information

First name Javier
Last name Lira
I have professional experience in:

Diagnostics, Digital Health, Health tech, Medical Device

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am working as Software Architect in Roche Diagnostics. In my role, I design regulated applications for IT products and diagnostic instruments in Roche. Among them, I worked on the interoperability between diagnostic instruments and laboratory middleware (, I also designed an interoperability solution for managing service workflow for IoT POC devices ( I was also the main architect for an application for helping nephrologists to manage patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD)


Javier Lira

I have professional experience in:

Diagnostics, Digital Health, Health tech, Medical Device

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am working as Software Architect in Roche Diagnostics. In my role, I design regulated applications for IT products and diagnostic instruments in Roche. Among them, I worked on the interoperability between diagnostic instruments and laboratory middleware (, I also designed an interoperability solution for managing service workflow for IoT POC devices ( I was also the main architect for an application for helping nephrologists to manage patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD)
