User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 15/05/2020

Profile Information

First name Javier
Last name martinez rodrigo
I have professional experience in:

Nanotechnology, Technology transfer, other

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Total citations (WOS): 1245 without autociting: 1187
Cited per year in the last 5 years: 94,4
First Quartil publications (Q1): 23
Patents: 5 (4 International + 1 National)
h-index: 19

Vice Principal of the Institute of Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology at the Technical University of Madrid and has been the coordinator of several National research programs about graphene and other nanotechnological devices and researcher of several european projects.

ResearchID: B-5803-2013 Orcid: 0000-0002-5912-1128

How did you hear about us?

researchers in public institutions


Javier martinez rodrigo

I have professional experience in:

Nanotechnology, Technology transfer, other

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Total citations (WOS): 1245 without autociting: 1187
Cited per year in the last 5 years: 94,4
First Quartil publications (Q1): 23
Patents: 5 (4 International + 1 National)
h-index: 19

Vice Principal of the Institute of Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology at the Technical University of Madrid and has been the coordinator of several National research programs about graphene and other nanotechnological devices and researcher of several european projects.

ResearchID: B-5803-2013 Orcid: 0000-0002-5912-1128


How did you hear about us?

researchers in public institutions