User Stats

Total reviews: 2
Level: Guru
Member Since: 12/06/2018

Profile Information

First name Iñaki
Last name Larraya
Help us confirm that you're an expert

Industrial and biomedical engineer with extensive experience in the inception and development of digital health and biotecology projects. More than 20 years professional experience in different roles in engineering, manufacturing, prototyping, and quality management companies.

I’m worked as a consultant for both national and international healthcare corporations, offering custom solutions in the design, development and certification of eHealth solutions.

Creator of ‘The Route’, a guide for the development of eHealth projects

Co-founder and innovation director of Walden Medical, a pioneering project in mental health innovation according to the European Community (


Iñaki Larraya

I have professional experience in:

Digital Health, Health tech, Medical Device, Neurosciences, Personalised medicine, Wearables

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Industrial and biomedical engineer with extensive experience in the inception and development of digital health and biotecology projects. More than 20 years professional experience in different roles in engineering, manufacturing, prototyping, and quality management companies.

I’m worked as a consultant for both national and international healthcare corporations, offering custom solutions in the design, development and certification of eHealth solutions.

Creator of ‘The Route’, a guide for the development of eHealth projects

Co-founder and innovation director of Walden Medical, a pioneering project in mental health innovation according to the European Community (
