User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 18/10/2019

Profile Information

First name Gloria
Last name Pascual Angulo
I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Oncology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’m Research Associate at Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)-Barcelona. I’m working in the Stem Cells and Cancer Lab, (Oncology department). I have long experience (10-15 years) in studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in tumour biology, cancer stem cell function and metastasis progression. I have experience in performing pre-clinical studies in mouse models. In addition I have experience in peer reviewing journals related to my field, research grants evaluation and in scientific advisory activity on biotech field.

How did you hear about us?

Through linkedIn, internet


Gloria Pascual Angulo

I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Oncology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’m Research Associate at Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)-Barcelona. I’m working in the Stem Cells and Cancer Lab, (Oncology department). I have long experience (10-15 years) in studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in tumour biology, cancer stem cell function and metastasis progression. I have experience in performing pre-clinical studies in mouse models. In addition I have experience in peer reviewing journals related to my field, research grants evaluation and in scientific advisory activity on biotech field.


How did you hear about us?

Through linkedIn, internet