User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 14/05/2020

Profile Information

First name Gemma
Last name Estrada
I have professional experience in:

Clinical trials, Digital Health, Medical Device

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I transitioned to Digital Health after 23 years in Clinical Development. The classic value of clinical trials is to advance the development of molecules and contribute to the profiling of drugs but, this is now exponentially amplified as technology enables the collection of patient’s reported outcomes and experiences in real time. Transparency, Patient Centricity and Mobile Health are the three sparks which fired my enthusiasm for connected clinical operations with the aim of providing a relevant human experience to the trial participant and an enhanced frictionless professional experience to the investigator. Then, going from connected Clinical Operations to Digital Health was just a natural career evolution. I now lead a collective effort to reimagine Ferrer by leveraging “digital” on behalf of patients, doctors, payers, partners and employees. Ferrer4Future is our open innovation program to collaborate with start-ups in the construction of a healthier society through digital technologies while making an impact on the sustainability of universal healthcare. I am also a small investor in start-ups led by female entrepreneurs and I collaborate as a mentor in a venture building company.


Gemma Estrada

I have professional experience in:

Clinical trials, Digital Health, Medical Device

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I transitioned to Digital Health after 23 years in Clinical Development. The classic value of clinical trials is to advance the development of molecules and contribute to the profiling of drugs but, this is now exponentially amplified as technology enables the collection of patient’s reported outcomes and experiences in real time. Transparency, Patient Centricity and Mobile Health are the three sparks which fired my enthusiasm for connected clinical operations with the aim of providing a relevant human experience to the trial participant and an enhanced frictionless professional experience to the investigator. Then, going from connected Clinical Operations to Digital Health was just a natural career evolution. I now lead a collective effort to reimagine Ferrer by leveraging “digital” on behalf of patients, doctors, payers, partners and employees. Ferrer4Future is our open innovation program to collaborate with start-ups in the construction of a healthier society through digital technologies while making an impact on the sustainability of universal healthcare. I am also a small investor in start-ups led by female entrepreneurs and I collaborate as a mentor in a venture building company.
