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Total reviews: 29
Level: Guru
Member Since: 08/01/2024

Profile Information

First name Gabriel
Last name Estañ Cerezo
Last Name

Estañ Cerezo

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Innovation Officer at the Elche Institute for Research, Development and Innovation in Healthcare Biotechnology (IDiBE) of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. The work of the position focuses on: the generation of innovative ideas, the search for financing and support in the presentation of projects, technology transfer, advice on R & D & I and the promotion of public-private collaboration in research, through the promotion of synergies with other research centers and with innovative companies, among others.

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Gabriel Estañ Cerezo

Last Name

Estañ Cerezo

I have professional experience in:

Crowdfunding, Funding sources, Biotech, Clinical trials, Business strategy, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Innovation Officer at the Elche Institute for Research, Development and Innovation in Healthcare Biotechnology (IDiBE) of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. The work of the position focuses on: the generation of innovative ideas, the search for financing and support in the presentation of projects, technology transfer, advice on R & D & I and the promotion of public-private collaboration in research, through the promotion of synergies with other research centers and with innovative companies, among others.


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