User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 25/04/2024

Profile Information

First name Eswar Reddy
Last name Maddi
Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Therapeutics, biochemistry, molecular biology, peptides, proteins, vaccines

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Over 11 years of experience in biopharmaceutical research, with a proven track record of success in protein expression, purification, characterization, and translating research into tangible healthcare solutions.

Key Skills:

Downstream Process Development: Design, optimize, and execute purification strategies for therapeutic proteins, peptides and VLPs from various expression systems (E. coli, Yeast, Pichia) for CRO based projects, animal studies and pre-clinical studies.
Protein Engineering & Crystallography: Expertise in protein expression, purification, crystallization, and structure determination using X-ray crystallography.
Project Management & Leadership: Successfully established a new research department (ARDL) at Premas Biotech, managing resources and leading a team to achieve project goals.
Mentorship & Communication: Experienced in mentoring and training team members, fostering a collaborative research environment.

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Eswar Reddy Maddi

Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Therapeutics, biochemistry, molecular biology, peptides, proteins, vaccines

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Over 11 years of experience in biopharmaceutical research, with a proven track record of success in protein expression, purification, characterization, and translating research into tangible healthcare solutions.

Key Skills:

Downstream Process Development: Design, optimize, and execute purification strategies for therapeutic proteins, peptides and VLPs from various expression systems (E. coli, Yeast, Pichia) for CRO based projects, animal studies and pre-clinical studies.
Protein Engineering & Crystallography: Expertise in protein expression, purification, crystallization, and structure determination using X-ray crystallography.
Project Management & Leadership: Successfully established a new research department (ARDL) at Premas Biotech, managing resources and leading a team to achieve project goals.
Mentorship & Communication: Experienced in mentoring and training team members, fostering a collaborative research environment.


How did you hear about us?
