User Stats

Total reviews: 9
Level: Guru
Member Since: 22/02/2024

Profile Information

First name David
Last name Hernández Morales
Last Name

Hernández Morales

I have professional experience in:

Medical Device, Medicine, Neurosciences, radiology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I finished my specialty in Radiology in 2009. Since then I have worked in the highest volume hospitals in Catalonia as an Interventional Vascular Radiologist until 2016 and since then as an Interventional Neuroradiologist at Univeristy Hospital Vall d’Hebron. I participate in several international studies and also collaborate with medical devices companies (in vitro studies, animal studies…)

How did you hear about us?

Informative Session at Capital Cell


David Hernández Morales

Last Name

Hernández Morales

I have professional experience in:

Medical Device, Medicine, Neurosciences, radiology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I finished my specialty in Radiology in 2009. Since then I have worked in the highest volume hospitals in Catalonia as an Interventional Vascular Radiologist until 2016 and since then as an Interventional Neuroradiologist at Univeristy Hospital Vall d’Hebron. I participate in several international studies and also collaborate with medical devices companies (in vitro studies, animal studies…)


How did you hear about us?

Informative Session at Capital Cell