User Stats

Total reviews: 10
Level: Guru
Member Since: 10/11/2023

Profile Information

First name Daniel
Last name Álvarez García
Last Name

Álvarez García

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I am pharmacist specialized on bioninformatics and chemoinformatics. I obtained my PhD in biomedicine and computational chemistry. Currently I work as Senior Computational Chemist in a biotech where I provide support to ongoing drug discovery projects at different levels: molecular design, new target programs selection and biological and biophysicals results analysis for new hypothesis generation (DMTA cycle). I also guide technically and scientifically the development of the proprietary chemoinformatics platform for virtual screening, target and compound selection. I have experience in different startups. Previously I created and launched a web application product working as SaS for research institutions to smartly handle and query their internal crystallographyc database.


Daniel Álvarez García

Last Name

Álvarez García

I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Biotech, Cancer therapeutics, Digital Health, Drug Discovery, Medicine, Oncology, Predictive medicine, Therapeutics, Startups

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am pharmacist specialized on bioninformatics and chemoinformatics. I obtained my PhD in biomedicine and computational chemistry. Currently I work as Senior Computational Chemist in a biotech where I provide support to ongoing drug discovery projects at different levels: molecular design, new target programs selection and biological and biophysicals results analysis for new hypothesis generation (DMTA cycle). I also guide technically and scientifically the development of the proprietary chemoinformatics platform for virtual screening, target and compound selection. I have experience in different startups. Previously I created and launched a web application product working as SaS for research institutions to smartly handle and query their internal crystallographyc database.
