User Stats

Total reviews: 51
Level: Guru
Member Since: 22/09/2023

Profile Information

First name Ceasar
Last name Danladi
Last Name


I have professional experience in:


Help us confirm that you're an expert

I hold a bachelors in biochemistry, a masters in biology and a doctorate in medical
biology and genetics.
I have had previous managerial experience in the hospital, were I effectively
communicated to the hospital staff and clients, managed the clinical data of
clients and organized hospital activities. I currently work remotely on a part time
basis with Deepli GmbH, were my responsibilities are to inquire about the needs
of life science companies and whether the already created solutions can be of
interest to them, To inquire about challenges the companies are facing at the
moment regardless of the solutions created, To accelerate life science industry
and make all activities around them on the path to achieving it.
As an output of my research, I have over 3 publications in international scientific
journals and other manuscripts still in the process of publication.
My present research interest is the study of different feeding regimes on
proteomics, metabolics, genomics and membrane structure during aging. Also, the development of
breast cancer risk models is my current
research interest, and the study of the precise therapy of molecular subtypes of
breast cancer may be the focus of my future research.

How did you hear about us?



Ceasar Danladi

Last Name


I have professional experience in:


Help us confirm that you're an expert

I hold a bachelors in biochemistry, a masters in biology and a doctorate in medical
biology and genetics.
I have had previous managerial experience in the hospital, were I effectively
communicated to the hospital staff and clients, managed the clinical data of
clients and organized hospital activities. I currently work remotely on a part time
basis with Deepli GmbH, were my responsibilities are to inquire about the needs
of life science companies and whether the already created solutions can be of
interest to them, To inquire about challenges the companies are facing at the
moment regardless of the solutions created, To accelerate life science industry
and make all activities around them on the path to achieving it.
As an output of my research, I have over 3 publications in international scientific
journals and other manuscripts still in the process of publication.
My present research interest is the study of different feeding regimes on
proteomics, metabolics, genomics and membrane structure during aging. Also, the development of
breast cancer risk models is my current
research interest, and the study of the precise therapy of molecular subtypes of
breast cancer may be the focus of my future research.


How did you hear about us?
