User Stats

Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 08/06/2021

Profile Information

First name Carlos
Last name Martinez
Help us confirm that you're an expert

Involved from 20 years ago in medical devices industry.
Actualy R&D Manager for a medical equipment manufacturer.
Deep experience in hardware, software and mechanical development.
Extended knowledge of CE Mark and FDA procedures.
Member of the evaluators team for the Eurostars program.



I have professional experience in:

Health tech, Medical Device, Therapeutics, Wearables, other, anaesthetic and respiratory devices, electro-mechanical medical devices, other

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Involved from 20 years ago in medical devices industry.
Actualy R&D Manager for a medical equipment manufacturer.
Deep experience in hardware, software and mechanical development.
Extended knowledge of CE Mark and FDA procedures.
Member of the evaluators team for the Eurostars program.
