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Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 30/10/2022

Profile Information

First name Àngels
Last name Mateu Regué
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I am working as a Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Genomic Medicine from Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet), where I have been working as a researcher for the past 7.5 years.
During my career, I have carried out many projects on the intersection between genomics and oncology, by functionally characterizing different genetic variants found in patients. Currently, I am responsible for an ambitious project that has the main purpose of developing a sensitive, reliable, and quick test to characterize breast and ovarian cancer genetic variants, in order to determine if a particular patient can be eligible for a specific therapeutical approach. Moreover, I am also responsible of leading and executing collaborative translational research projects with other clinical departments and external institutions.
During my time at Center for Genomic Medicine, I also obtained my PhD degree in Cellular and Genetic Medicine (University of Copenhagen), in the field of RNA biology and RNA-binding proteins.

How did you hear about us?

I have invested in a few projects from Capital Cell so I learned about the network via your website


Àngels Mateu Regué

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Diagnostics, Genomics, Medicine, Oncology, Personalised medicine, Predictive medicine, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, molecular diagnostics, medical genetics

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am working as a Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Genomic Medicine from Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet), where I have been working as a researcher for the past 7.5 years.
During my career, I have carried out many projects on the intersection between genomics and oncology, by functionally characterizing different genetic variants found in patients. Currently, I am responsible for an ambitious project that has the main purpose of developing a sensitive, reliable, and quick test to characterize breast and ovarian cancer genetic variants, in order to determine if a particular patient can be eligible for a specific therapeutical approach. Moreover, I am also responsible of leading and executing collaborative translational research projects with other clinical departments and external institutions.
During my time at Center for Genomic Medicine, I also obtained my PhD degree in Cellular and Genetic Medicine (University of Copenhagen), in the field of RNA biology and RNA-binding proteins.


How did you hear about us?

I have invested in a few projects from Capital Cell so I learned about the network via your website