User Stats

Total reviews: 13
Level: Guru
Member Since: 24/07/2023

Profile Information

First name Ali
Last name Ghanem
Last Name


Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am a scientist and consultant with a multidisciplinary track record.
I received my PhD in 2018 from Heidelberg university, where I worked on and initiated multiple projects focused on uncovering and targeting metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells. For my postdoctoral research I chose to pivot to gene therapy as I realized the translational potential of AAV vectors, my passion has been the use of AAVs to deliver potential lifespan and health span extending genes.
Seeking to embrace my inherent generalist attitude and seeking to improve my business acumen I swapped tracks again to become a Pharma and life scientist consultant, while still engaging my passion for life and heathspan extension research by maintaining a large network of connections in the field and taking on freelance projects as an external consultant.
I am confident that my bird spectrum of knowledge and experience, and my constant curiosity and collaborative attitude will make me an asset for your network, while also enabling me to sharpen my investment insights and apply them as a potential founder, and/or in support of the broader community.

My academic publications, consulting white paper, and further individual contributions are all visible on my LinkedIn profile


Ali Ghanem

Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Cancer therapeutics, Clinical trials, Drug Discovery, Therapeutics, Regulatory, cell biology, molecular biology, gene therapy

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am a scientist and consultant with a multidisciplinary track record.
I received my PhD in 2018 from Heidelberg university, where I worked on and initiated multiple projects focused on uncovering and targeting metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells. For my postdoctoral research I chose to pivot to gene therapy as I realized the translational potential of AAV vectors, my passion has been the use of AAVs to deliver potential lifespan and health span extending genes.
Seeking to embrace my inherent generalist attitude and seeking to improve my business acumen I swapped tracks again to become a Pharma and life scientist consultant, while still engaging my passion for life and heathspan extension research by maintaining a large network of connections in the field and taking on freelance projects as an external consultant.
I am confident that my bird spectrum of knowledge and experience, and my constant curiosity and collaborative attitude will make me an asset for your network, while also enabling me to sharpen my investment insights and apply them as a potential founder, and/or in support of the broader community.

My academic publications, consulting white paper, and further individual contributions are all visible on my LinkedIn profile
