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Level: Guru
Member Since: 20/02/2023

Profile Information

First name Alain
Last name Baulard
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Dear colleagues,
I am Alain Baulard, Research Director at Inserm, with more than 30-year experience in bacteriology, infectious diseases, and drug discovery. I am more particularly specialized in tuberculosis research, in which I have proposed and developped, in collaboration with medicinal chemists and private biotechs a new concept of drug that resets resistance and hypersensitize M. tuberculosis to some pro-antibiotics. I would be happy to help evaluating innovative project in these fields.

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Alain Baulard

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Clinical trials, Drug Discovery, Therapeutics, tuberculosis, antibiotics

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Dear colleagues,
I am Alain Baulard, Research Director at Inserm, with more than 30-year experience in bacteriology, infectious diseases, and drug discovery. I am more particularly specialized in tuberculosis research, in which I have proposed and developped, in collaboration with medicinal chemists and private biotechs a new concept of drug that resets resistance and hypersensitize M. tuberculosis to some pro-antibiotics. I would be happy to help evaluating innovative project in these fields.


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