Hey ,

it’s time to get funded

You focus on the science; we’ll provide the money.

Behind the scenes, we’ve been analysing you and your proposal – your business model, team, financial projections, scientific merit, communication and presence, branding, maturity and investability.

Here’s our proposal to you:

View the offer

The good news is we think your proposal is really interesting and your area of research is cool and innovative.

The great news is we’d like to help you raise the funds you need to succeed.

Here’s what we

do for you


Share your investment opportunity with a targeted, segmented database of 10,000+ investors


Support your campaign and build exposure amongst “the crowd” with bespoke online interactions


Take care of all the tedious paperwork whilst you celebrate your success

Here’s how we do it

We treat each campaign differently, creating and managing a unique marketing strategy for each company.

It’s probably why our current success rate is 80%!

BioExpert Network Review

Your pitch deck was shared with and reviewed by our network of 500+ PhD level scientists, physicians, IP lawyers, consultants and investment professionals. They have rated your project based on various parameters, including: the scientific validity, team expertise, route to market, valuation and investability.

This is the “at a glance” information, but don’t worry, we’ve produced an all encompassing report for you with detailed responses, individual comments and expert recommendations.

View Full Report

Capital Cell analysis

About the rates: Using our unique algorithm we have carefully analysed your business and proposed project. We’ve performed due diligence of the financials you’ve provided, analysed the credibility of your scientific research and assessed the readiness of your company in terms of your corporate branding, public presence and active communication channels.

About the Recommendations: Capital Cell is completely aligned with you – we want a smooth, fast, successful campaign with a reasonable capital acquisition cost. The Capital Cell fee includes many things, but there are some extras that will make your campaign a guaranteed success. If these recommendations are followed, your chances of a successful raise are close to 100%.


What's this?
The company’s current operational standing, including: trading and regulatory status, IP protection, business plan, model valuation and team structure.

“The project lacks maturity, and would be perceived as too risky for most professional investors. We highly recommend delaying the financing round until a better plan has been prepared.”

Daniel - CEO

Recommended actions

  • Regulatory

    The project seems on the right regulatory track

  • Strategy

    The project is very unlikely to attract any serious investment due to lack of business strategy. We highly recommend enroling the help of one of the our Trusted Partners in Life Sciences business strategy.

  • Structure

    Too many structural factors are at a very early stage, and the company can be perceived to be far from having an effective team or business model. Business strategy and team composition will need to be addressed, and we highly recommend engaging a professional consultant to accelerate and generate trust with investors.


What's this?
Your ability to communicate well with potential investors, including an analysis of your website, social media channels, professional LinkedIn accounts, partnerships and public event attendance.

“Your channels to communicate with investors are very limited at present. You will need to seek professional help to grow interest in your opportunity.”

Katie - Head of Marketing

Recommended actions

  • Target specific investor groups with paid digital advertising

    Target market: the interest you will receive from mid-to-large ticket investors will be significant, as well as the crowd, given your area of product development.


    * Identify and target relevant angel and core investors, as well as industry related investors, using paid digital advertising such as Google Adwords and LinkedIn ads.

    * Identify retail investors who are philanthropically engaged with Facebook advertising, based on interests.

  • Plan and implement a social media content strategy for the campaign

    Social Media: The suitable channels to communicate your campaign are either only mildly active, or do not yet exist.


    * Plan and share a schedule of high quality industry content and campaign activity, utilising popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

  • Use testimonials to increase interest

    Recommendations: Investors will need to build trust in you, your company and the lead investors to join the round.


    * Gain testimonials from your lead investors or high profile industry experts to boost the opinion of your brand and offering.


What's this?
The professionalism you portray of the company, including: logo and strapline, corporate branding and consistency, online presence, deck visual quality and deck investment clarity.

“Whatever your company’s scientific merits, it currently projects a poor corporate image. I would strongly suggest improving your branding and public presence before starting a fundraising campaign.”

Katie - Head of Marketing

Recommended actions

  • Seek professional assistance with press and media

    Public presence: we have found that your public presence is not as strong as it could be, and that does influence investors’ perceptions of your company.


    * We strongly suggest seeking professional assistance for this campaign to run press releases and boost your profile.

  • Build investor relationships with appropriate association leaders

    Partnerships and affiliations: your campaign will greatly benefit from introductions to industry-specific professionals and association leaders. Not only are they potential core investors, they can in turn introduce your company and funding round to larger networks of retail investors.


    * You should build on existing relationships as well as form new relationships with the leaders of appropriate associations.

    * Communicating with wider groups of philanthropically engaged crowd investors, support groups and associations could greatly increase your chances of gaining crowd investment.

  • Produce a short, sharable promotional video

    Corporate video: Although it is not essential, using a video to promote your campaign, particularly on social media and to support paid advertising, can be hugely advantageous.


    * Create a short 30-60 second video which can be used to promote your company and funding round.


What's this?
The current presentation of your financial information, including: pre-money valuation, balance sheet, forecast, expected ROI, exit and ROI justification.

The company’s financial information, or lack of in some cases, will raise concerns for investors. We strongly advise you seek assistance from an accountant to help prepare detailed financial documentation.”

Cameron - Director of Strategy & Finance

Recommended actions

  • Financials

    The financials may not be clear enough, either by lack of data or by lack of justification – they may convey an impression of excessive risk. We strongly suggest engaging with a professional advisor to create a more attractive financial plan.

  • Exit/ROI

    Exit prospects are reasonably interesting for “friendly investors”, but professionals may need to see a more solid exit/profitability strategy

  • Valuation

    The valuation is a bit too high, although not excessively


What's this?
The validity of the scientific research and development presented by the company, including consideration of the team, market, competitors, patent, trials/results and projections.

“Most people can see the potential of your project. It is simply and clearly presented but will require some clarification in areas; you can find more detail on this in the BioExpert Network report.”

Pilar - Head of Analysis and BEN

Recommended actions

From my perspective, there are no major hurdles to launching the campaign.

You focus on the science; we’ll provide the money.
We’re confident that your campaign will receive great traction, given the support it needs to reach investors.

Working with Marketing and PR agencies can be very costly, so we’re willing to work with you to help you raise the funds you need.

We’ll do this not only at a more affordable price, but also on a success-fee basis.
Our marketing services are offered to you as an additional 1.5% add-on fee, which is only payable in the event that your campaign closes successfully. We’ll take your campaign into our hands and give it the exposure it needs.

This is

our offer

bla bla bla


bla vla bla

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