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Total reviews: 4
Level: Guru
Member Since: 14/09/2020

Profile Information

First name Vicent
Last name Ribas
Help us confirm that you're an expert

Over 10 years of successful experience in life-science company
More than 15 years of experience in industry-scientist cooperation
More than 15 years of experience in ITC and R&D.
Proven skills in medical affairs, marketing, R&D, operations, business development
Persuasive communicator, analytical thinker, stable leader, resourceful organizer and planner
Team builder with talent to mentor and motivate individuals and groups to peak performance
Quick learner, able to make rapid, positive impact and to find innovative ways
Dedicated to timely delivery of quality results and services, with focus on internal and external
customer satisfaction
Scientific collaborator at the SODIR group of Hospital Vall d’Hebron (third hospital in the world
in lung transplant).
Scientific collaborator at the Centre for Mathematical Research in Barcelona (
Application of Algebraic Statistical Models (ASM) and the study of Quotient Bases to build
a new generative kernel for classification. This kernel provided actionable and interpretable
results for the assessment of the Risk of Death in Septic patients despite the origin of infection.
The structure of the Quotient Basis provides valuable information about the structure of the
dependencies between our input data (i.e. it has a graphical model associated). We believe
that further knowledge in the source of infection and its mechanisms will yield better results.
Showing that Maximum Likelihood inference of parameters for Regular Exponential Families
under the ASM methodology can also be addressed as the minimization a Bregman
Divergence as in standard theory. This methodology has been successfully used in the
derivation of generative kernels that are interpretable and show the dependencies between
input variables. We believe that this is a fruitful area of research completely aligned with the
proposed scope this research proposal
Established global relationships with key opinion leaders in anaesthesia, intensive care, and
Experience in clinical studies
Experience in EU regulatory (mainly in cardiovascular monitoring)
Strongly participated in industry-driven paradigm shift of monitoring technology
Sole or major inventor of more than 6 international patent families, e.g. System and apparatus
for non-invasive measurement of blood pressure
Senior Member of the IEEE Engineering and Medical Biology Society
Best Scientific Poster Award 2012, International Congress of the Society for Critical Care,
Houston, Texas.


Vicent Ribas

I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Health tech, Medicine, Personalised medicine, Predictive medicine, Business strategy, IP & Licensing, Startups

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Over 10 years of successful experience in life-science company
More than 15 years of experience in industry-scientist cooperation
More than 15 years of experience in ITC and R&D.
Proven skills in medical affairs, marketing, R&D, operations, business development
Persuasive communicator, analytical thinker, stable leader, resourceful organizer and planner
Team builder with talent to mentor and motivate individuals and groups to peak performance
Quick learner, able to make rapid, positive impact and to find innovative ways
Dedicated to timely delivery of quality results and services, with focus on internal and external
customer satisfaction
Scientific collaborator at the SODIR group of Hospital Vall d’Hebron (third hospital in the world
in lung transplant).
Scientific collaborator at the Centre for Mathematical Research in Barcelona (
Application of Algebraic Statistical Models (ASM) and the study of Quotient Bases to build
a new generative kernel for classification. This kernel provided actionable and interpretable
results for the assessment of the Risk of Death in Septic patients despite the origin of infection.
The structure of the Quotient Basis provides valuable information about the structure of the
dependencies between our input data (i.e. it has a graphical model associated). We believe
that further knowledge in the source of infection and its mechanisms will yield better results.
Showing that Maximum Likelihood inference of parameters for Regular Exponential Families
under the ASM methodology can also be addressed as the minimization a Bregman
Divergence as in standard theory. This methodology has been successfully used in the
derivation of generative kernels that are interpretable and show the dependencies between
input variables. We believe that this is a fruitful area of research completely aligned with the
proposed scope this research proposal
Established global relationships with key opinion leaders in anaesthesia, intensive care, and
Experience in clinical studies
Experience in EU regulatory (mainly in cardiovascular monitoring)
Strongly participated in industry-driven paradigm shift of monitoring technology
Sole or major inventor of more than 6 international patent families, e.g. System and apparatus
for non-invasive measurement of blood pressure
Senior Member of the IEEE Engineering and Medical Biology Society
Best Scientific Poster Award 2012, International Congress of the Society for Critical Care,
Houston, Texas.
