User Stats

Total reviews: 6
Level: Guru
Member Since: 09/12/2018

Profile Information

First name Renato
Last name Vasconcelos
I have professional experience in:

Technology transfer, open innovation

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I have 8 years experience in technology transfer and open innovation, where I have focused on scouting and identification of early-stage technologies (in academia or start-up environment) that solve problems for organisations and/or deliver the next products and services. I have worked across many sectors, including the life sciences industries.


Renato Vasconcelos

I have professional experience in:

Technology transfer, open innovation

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I have 8 years experience in technology transfer and open innovation, where I have focused on scouting and identification of early-stage technologies (in academia or start-up environment) that solve problems for organisations and/or deliver the next products and services. I have worked across many sectors, including the life sciences industries.
