User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 06/04/2017

Profile Information

First name Ray
Last name Butler
Last Name

G. Butler

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Software: that is the word that best describes me. My education, my skills, my professional experiences and my passion are closely related to software development projects. 
Along my more than 15 years of professional career I acquired the experience and personal skills of an excellent Software Analyst, a Project Manager and ultimately a R&D Manager.
For the last 10 years, I have thrown myself into supporting biomedical researchers worldwide to discover more and better by means of smart, automated, easy-to-use data analysis software tools.
Today I keep that passion channeled by the exciting startup project Butler Scientifics.
I’m also Affiliate Professor of Exploratory Data Analysis at ESADE Institute for Data Driven Decisions.


Ray Butler

Last Name

G. Butler

I have professional experience in:

Crowdfunding, Bioinformatics, Clinical trials, Digital Health, Genomics, Immunology, Neurosciences, Oncology, Predictive medicine, Startups, Digital health, Entrepreneurship, Others

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Software: that is the word that best describes me. My education, my skills, my professional experiences and my passion are closely related to software development projects. 
Along my more than 15 years of professional career I acquired the experience and personal skills of an excellent Software Analyst, a Project Manager and ultimately a R&D Manager.
For the last 10 years, I have thrown myself into supporting biomedical researchers worldwide to discover more and better by means of smart, automated, easy-to-use data analysis software tools.
Today I keep that passion channeled by the exciting startup project Butler Scientifics.
I’m also Affiliate Professor of Exploratory Data Analysis at ESADE Institute for Data Driven Decisions.
