User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 30/09/2020

Profile Information

First name Raul
Last name Machado
I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Drug Delivery, Nanotechnology

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Graduated in Biology, MSc in Molecular Genetics, PhD in Biology with specialization on Materials Science and Engineering, and post-graduation in Management Studies. With over 15 years of combined experience in Biotechnology and in Entrepreneurship, he is a Researcher at the Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA, and Invited Assistant Professor for (bio)entrepreneurship at University of Minho (Portugal). In 2011, co-founded a technology-based IT company and is the consultant/mentor for entrepreneurial projects. He is also an expert evaluator of the European Commission. His research interests include the development of multifunctional bioinspired protein-based materials for biotechnological applications, and the formulation of active protein-based matrices and composites for the development of advanced materials.


Raul Machado

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Drug Delivery, Nanotechnology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Graduated in Biology, MSc in Molecular Genetics, PhD in Biology with specialization on Materials Science and Engineering, and post-graduation in Management Studies. With over 15 years of combined experience in Biotechnology and in Entrepreneurship, he is a Researcher at the Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA, and Invited Assistant Professor for (bio)entrepreneurship at University of Minho (Portugal). In 2011, co-founded a technology-based IT company and is the consultant/mentor for entrepreneurial projects. He is also an expert evaluator of the European Commission. His research interests include the development of multifunctional bioinspired protein-based materials for biotechnological applications, and the formulation of active protein-based matrices and composites for the development of advanced materials.
