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Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 12/05/2020

Profile Information

First name Oscar
Last name Jesus Prado-Rubianes
I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Startups, Technology transfer

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I got my PhD in Environmental Science and Technology in 2006. My research work focuses in the field of air, gas and water purification by means of microbiological technologies. Since 2008 I am the CEO of AERIS T.A. S.L., a spin off of the Autonomous University of Barcelona that designs and develops microbial-based technologies for different environmental applications. I am also an Assistan Professor at the UAB since 2016

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Oscar Jesus Prado-Rubianes

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I got my PhD in Environmental Science and Technology in 2006. My research work focuses in the field of air, gas and water purification by means of microbiological technologies. Since 2008 I am the CEO of AERIS T.A. S.L., a spin off of the Autonomous University of Barcelona that designs and develops microbial-based technologies for different environmental applications. I am also an Assistan Professor at the UAB since 2016


How did you hear about us?

Company associates