User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 31/01/2018

Profile Information

First name Noelia
Last name Paco Zamora
I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Oncology

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I am pharmacist with a PhD in Biomedicine. My project thesis was about the oncogenic KRAS protein (its localisation within the cell and its relevance in oncogenesis). After that, I studied a Master’s degree on scientific departments of the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks to that, I am currently working in a market access consultancy firm. I manage projects about drugs evaluation, among others.


Noelia Paco Zamora

I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Oncology

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am pharmacist with a PhD in Biomedicine. My project thesis was about the oncogenic KRAS protein (its localisation within the cell and its relevance in oncogenesis). After that, I studied a Master’s degree on scientific departments of the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks to that, I am currently working in a market access consultancy firm. I manage projects about drugs evaluation, among others.
