User Stats

Total reviews: 4
Level: Guru
Member Since: 22/03/2018

Profile Information

First name Nadal
Last name Bayà Fons
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Project manager at AGAUR (the Catalan government’s funding agency for research). 5+ years of experience in valorisation and tech transfer funding for early stage projects (TRL 1-7) and seed convertible loans for young start-ups created to transfer knowledge emerging from the Catalan research and innovation system.


Nadal Bayà Fons

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Project manager at AGAUR (the Catalan government’s funding agency for research). 5+ years of experience in valorisation and tech transfer funding for early stage projects (TRL 1-7) and seed convertible loans for young start-ups created to transfer knowledge emerging from the Catalan research and innovation system.
