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Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 29/07/2022

Profile Information

First name Maria
Last name Vila-Costa
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I am a researcher at IDAEA-CSIC. My research focuses on studying the role of microorganisms in the global biogeochemical cycles, specially on anthopogenic organic compounds. My work spans from molecular work and single-cell approaches, community level studies and global modeling. My specialization is on environmental genomics and transcriptomics .

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Through a colleague


Maria Vila-Costa

I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Biotech, Genomics, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology

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I am a researcher at IDAEA-CSIC. My research focuses on studying the role of microorganisms in the global biogeochemical cycles, specially on anthopogenic organic compounds. My work spans from molecular work and single-cell approaches, community level studies and global modeling. My specialization is on environmental genomics and transcriptomics .


How did you hear about us?

Through a colleague